Image of Michael Harring

Hi, I'm Michael Harring.

I'm an award-winning Graphic Designer and Art Director and I'm here to help you get noticed. I specialize in creating unforgettable first impressions and lasting connections through eye-catching Branding, impactful Advertising, and immersive Experiential Design. With my multidisciplinary approach and diverse experience, I've got the skills to solve any brand challenge you throw my way. Let's make something amazing together!

Here are images of two awards to gain your trust and build credibility.

American Advertising Awards and Clio Award icons.

Branding & Identity

Advertising & Marketing

Willie's Reserve Las Vegas Ad. Willie Nelson smokes in front of a background of leaves with neon text in the foreground reading "Raise the Stakes"

Environmental & Experiential

Long Play environmental design concept

Package Design

Pilsnerist Concept Art


Cover for award winning children's book, Magoo and his Magic Poo.

Got a branding, advertising, or experiential project? Let's chat! Share your goals and challenges with me, and together we'll craft a strategic plan to connect with your audience in a genuine and impactful way. Reach out, and let's create something special!